Fixed compatibility issues with new versions Updated LICENSE
Derping Drivers
- Icon by Rebin Infotech
- Getting Operating System Version Info - Even for Windows 10!
- NtQuerySystemInformation
- The TESTSIGNING Boot Configuration Option
- Windows Version Numbers
- Super user: How do I tell if Windows 10 was a fresh install or upgrade from 7/8?
- Stack Overflow: Is there an easy way to check the .NET Framework version?
- Stack Overflow: Can I have any way to detect the Driver Signing Policy status?
- Stack Overflow: Access the Windows 7 Boot Configuration Data using C#
- BCDEdit: Mounting the BCD Store as a Registry Hive
- BCDEdit: Objects and Elements
- Geoff Chappell: BCD Elements
- Geoff Chappell: Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers