using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using PInvokeSerialPort.Win32PInvoke; namespace PInvokeSerialPort { /// /// PInvokeSerialPort main class. /// Borrowed from ;) /// public class SerialPort : IDisposable { private readonly ManualResetEvent _writeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); private bool _auto; private bool _checkSends = true; private Handshake _handShake; private IntPtr _hPort; private bool _online; private IntPtr _ptrUwo = IntPtr.Zero; private Exception _rxException; private bool _rxExceptionReported; private Thread _rxThread; private int _stateBrk = 2; private int _stateDtr = 2; private int _stateRts = 2; private int _writeCount; /// /// If true, the port will automatically re-open on next send if it was previously closed due /// to an error (default: false) /// public bool AutoReopen; /// /// Baud Rate (default: 2400) unsupported rates will throw "Bad settings" /// public int BaudRate = 115200; /// /// If true, subsequent Send commands wait for completion of earlier ones enabling the results /// to be checked. If false, errors, including timeouts, may not be detected, but performance /// may be better. /// public bool CheckAllSends = true; /// /// Number of databits 1..8 (default: 8) unsupported values will throw "Bad settings" /// public int DataBits = 8; /// /// The parity checking scheme (default: none) /// public Parity Parity = Parity.None; /// /// If true, Xon and Xoff characters are sent to control the data flow from the remote station (default: false) /// public bool RxFlowX; /// /// If true, received characters are ignored unless DSR is asserted by the remote station (default: false) /// public bool RxGateDsr; /// /// The number of free bytes in the reception queue at which flow is disabled (default: 2048) /// public int RxHighWater = 2048; /// /// The number of bytes in the reception queue at which flow is re-enabled (default: 512) /// public int RxLowWater = 512; /// /// Requested size for receive queue (default: 0 = use operating system default) /// public int RxQueue; /// /// Constant. Max time for Send in ms = (Multiplier * Characters) + Constant (default: 0) /// public int SendTimeoutConstant; /// /// Multiplier. Max time for Send in ms = (Multiplier * Characters) + Constant /// (default: 0 = No timeout) /// public int SendTimeoutMultiplier; /// /// Number of stop bits (default: one) /// public StopBits StopBits = StopBits.One; /// /// If true, transmission is halted unless CTS is asserted by the remote station (default: false) /// public bool TxFlowCts; /// /// If true, transmission is halted unless DSR is asserted by the remote station (default: false) /// public bool TxFlowDsr; /// /// If true, transmission is halted when Xoff is received and restarted when Xon is received (default: false) /// public bool TxFlowX; /// /// Requested size for transmit queue (default: 0 = use operating system default) /// public int TxQueue; /// /// If false, transmission is suspended when this station has sent Xoff to the remote station (default: true) /// Set false if the remote station treats any character as an Xon. /// public bool TxWhenRxXoff = true; /// /// Specidies the use to which the DTR output is put (default: none) /// public HsOutput UseDtr = HsOutput.None; /// /// Specifies the use to which the RTS output is put (default: none) /// public HsOutput UseRts = HsOutput.None; /// /// The character used to signal Xoff for X flow control (default: DC3) /// public ASCII XoffChar = ASCII.DC3; /// /// The character used to signal Xon for X flow control (default: DC1) /// public ASCII XonChar = ASCII.DC1; /// /// Class constructor /// public SerialPort(string portName) { PortName = portName; } /// /// Class constructor /// public SerialPort(string portName, int baudRate) { PortName = portName; BaudRate = baudRate; } /// /// True if online. /// public bool Online => _online && CheckOnline(); /// /// True if the RTS pin is controllable via the RTS property /// protected bool RtSavailable => _stateRts < 2; /// /// Set the state of the RTS modem control output /// protected bool Rts { set { if (_stateRts > 1) return; CheckOnline(); if (value) { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.SETRTS)) _stateRts = 1; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } else { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.CLRRTS)) _stateRts = 1; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } } get => _stateRts == 1; } /// /// True if the DTR pin is controllable via the DTR property /// protected bool DtrAvailable => _stateDtr < 2; /// /// The state of the DTR modem control output /// protected bool Dtr { set { if (_stateDtr > 1) return; CheckOnline(); if (value) { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.SETDTR)) _stateDtr = 1; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } else { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.CLRDTR)) _stateDtr = 0; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } } get => _stateDtr == 1; } /// /// Assert or remove a break condition from the transmission line /// protected bool Break { set { if (_stateBrk > 1) return; CheckOnline(); if (value) { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.SETBREAK)) _stateBrk = 0; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } else { if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(_hPort, Win32Com.CLRBREAK)) _stateBrk = 0; else ThrowException("Unexpected Failure"); } } get => _stateBrk == 1; } /// /// Port Name /// public string PortName { get; set; } public Handshake Handshake { get => _handShake; set { _handShake = value; switch (_handShake) { case Handshake.None: TxFlowCts = false; TxFlowDsr = false; TxFlowX = false; RxFlowX = false; UseRts = HsOutput.Online; UseDtr = HsOutput.Online; TxWhenRxXoff = true; RxGateDsr = false; break; case Handshake.XonXoff: TxFlowCts = false; TxFlowDsr = false; TxFlowX = true; RxFlowX = true; UseRts = HsOutput.Online; UseDtr = HsOutput.Online; TxWhenRxXoff = true; RxGateDsr = false; XonChar = ASCII.DC1; XoffChar = ASCII.DC3; break; case Handshake.CtsRts: TxFlowCts = true; TxFlowDsr = false; TxFlowX = false; RxFlowX = false; UseRts = HsOutput.Handshake; UseDtr = HsOutput.Online; TxWhenRxXoff = true; RxGateDsr = false; break; case Handshake.DsrDtr: TxFlowCts = false; TxFlowDsr = true; TxFlowX = false; RxFlowX = false; UseRts = HsOutput.Online; UseDtr = HsOutput.Handshake; TxWhenRxXoff = true; RxGateDsr = false; break; } } } /// /// /// For IDisposable /// public void Dispose() { Close(); } /// /// Opens the com port and configures it with the required settings /// /// false if the port could not be opened public bool Open() { var portDcb = new DCB(); var commTimeouts = new COMMTIMEOUTS(); var wo = new OVERLAPPED(); if (_online) return false; _hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(PortName, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero, Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero); if (_hPort == (IntPtr) Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return false; throw new CommPortException("Port Open Failure"); } _online = true; commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0; commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = SendTimeoutConstant; commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = SendTimeoutMultiplier; portDcb.Init(Parity == Parity.Odd || Parity == Parity.Even, TxFlowCts, TxFlowDsr, (int) UseDtr, RxGateDsr, !TxWhenRxXoff, TxFlowX, RxFlowX, (int) UseRts); portDcb.BaudRate = BaudRate; portDcb.ByteSize = (byte) DataBits; portDcb.Parity = (byte) Parity; portDcb.StopBits = (byte) StopBits; portDcb.XoffChar = (byte) XoffChar; portDcb.XonChar = (byte) XonChar; portDcb.XoffLim = (short) RxHighWater; portDcb.XonLim = (short) RxLowWater; if (RxQueue != 0 || TxQueue != 0) if (!Win32Com.SetupComm(_hPort, (uint) RxQueue, (uint) TxQueue)) ThrowException("Bad queue settings"); if (!Win32Com.SetCommState(_hPort, ref portDcb)) ThrowException("Bad com settings"); if (!Win32Com.SetCommTimeouts(_hPort, ref commTimeouts)) ThrowException("Bad timeout settings"); _stateBrk = 0; if (UseDtr == HsOutput.None) _stateDtr = 0; if (UseDtr == HsOutput.Online) _stateDtr = 1; if (UseRts == HsOutput.None) _stateRts = 0; if (UseRts == HsOutput.Online) _stateRts = 1; _checkSends = CheckAllSends; wo.Offset = 0; wo.OffsetHigh = 0; wo.hEvent = _checkSends ? _writeEvent.Handle : IntPtr.Zero; _ptrUwo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(wo)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(wo, _ptrUwo, true); _writeCount = 0; _rxException = null; _rxExceptionReported = false; _rxThread = new Thread(ReceiveThread) { Name = "CommBaseRx", Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal }; //If not set to true, my application process will not exit completely after UI closed _rxThread.IsBackground = true; _rxThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1); //Give rx thread time to start. By documentation, 0 should work, but it does not! _auto = false; if (AfterOpen()) { _auto = AutoReopen; return true; } Close(); return false; } /// /// Closes the com port. /// public void Close() { if (_online) { _auto = false; BeforeClose(false); InternalClose(); _rxException = null; } } private void InternalClose() { Win32Com.CancelIo(_hPort); if (_rxThread != null) { _rxThread.Abort(); _rxThread = null; } Win32Com.CloseHandle(_hPort); if (_ptrUwo != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_ptrUwo); _stateRts = 2; _stateDtr = 2; _stateBrk = 2; _online = false; } /// /// Destructor (just in case) /// ~SerialPort() { Close(); } /// /// Block until all bytes in the queue have been transmitted. /// public void Flush() { CheckOnline(); CheckResult(); } /// /// Use this to throw exceptions in derived classes. Correctly handles threading issues /// and closes the port if necessary. /// /// Description of fault protected void ThrowException(string reason) { if (Thread.CurrentThread == _rxThread) throw new CommPortException(reason); if (_online) { BeforeClose(true); InternalClose(); } if (_rxException == null) throw new CommPortException(reason); throw new CommPortException(_rxException); } /// /// Queues bytes for transmission. /// /// Array of bytes to be sent public void Write(byte[] toSend) { uint sent; CheckOnline(); CheckResult(); _writeCount = toSend.GetLength(0); if (Win32Com.WriteFile(_hPort, toSend, (uint) _writeCount, out sent, _ptrUwo)) { _writeCount -= (int) sent; } else { if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING) ThrowException("Unexpected failure"); } } /// /// Queues string for transmission. /// /// Array of bytes to be sent public void Write(string toSend) { Write(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(toSend)); } /// /// Queues a single byte for transmission. /// /// Byte to be sent public void Write(byte toSend) { var b = new byte[1]; b[0] = toSend; Write(b); } /// /// Queues a single char for transmission. /// /// Byte to be sent public void Write(char toSend) { Write(toSend.ToString()); } /// /// Queues string with a new line ("\r\n") for transmission. /// /// Array of bytes to be sent public void WriteLine(string toSend) { Write(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(toSend + Environment.NewLine)); } private void CheckResult() { if (_writeCount <= 0) return; uint sent; if (Win32Com.GetOverlappedResult(_hPort, _ptrUwo, out sent, _checkSends)) { _writeCount -= (int) sent; if (_writeCount != 0) ThrowException("Send Timeout"); } else { if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING) ThrowException("Unexpected failure"); } } /// /// Sends a protocol byte immediately ahead of any queued bytes. /// /// Byte to send /// False if an immediate byte is already scheduled and not yet sent public void SendImmediate(byte tosend) { CheckOnline(); if (!Win32Com.TransmitCommChar(_hPort, tosend)) ThrowException("Transmission failure"); } /// /// Gets the status of the modem control input signals. /// /// Modem status object protected ModemStatus GetModemStatus() { uint f; CheckOnline(); if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(_hPort, out f)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure"); return new ModemStatus(f); } /// /// Get the status of the queues /// /// Queue status object protected QueueStatus GetQueueStatus() { COMSTAT cs; COMMPROP cp; uint er; CheckOnline(); if (!Win32Com.ClearCommError(_hPort, out er, out cs)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure"); if (!Win32Com.GetCommProperties(_hPort, out cp)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure"); return new QueueStatus(cs.Flags, cs.cbInQue, cs.cbOutQue, cp.dwCurrentRxQueue, cp.dwCurrentTxQueue); } /// /// Override this to provide processing after the port is openned (i.e. to configure remote /// device or just check presence). /// /// false to close the port again protected virtual bool AfterOpen() { return true; } /// /// Override this to provide processing prior to port closure. /// /// True if closing due to an error protected virtual void BeforeClose(bool error) { } public event Action DataReceived; /// /// Override this to process received bytes. /// /// The byte that was received protected void OnRxChar(byte ch) { DataReceived?.Invoke(ch); } /// /// Override this to take action when transmission is complete (i.e. all bytes have actually /// been sent, not just queued). /// protected virtual void OnTxDone() { } /// /// Override this to take action when a break condition is detected on the input line. /// protected virtual void OnBreak() { } /// /// Override this to take action when a ring condition is signaled by an attached modem. /// protected virtual void OnRing() { } /// /// Override this to take action when one or more modem status inputs change state /// /// The status inputs that have changed state /// The state of the status inputs protected virtual void OnStatusChange(ModemStatus mask, ModemStatus state) { } /// /// Override this to take action when the reception thread closes due to an exception being thrown. /// /// The exception which was thrown protected virtual void OnRxException(Exception e) { } private void ReceiveThread() { var buf = new byte[1]; var sg = new AutoResetEvent(false); var ov = new OVERLAPPED(); var unmanagedOv = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ov)); ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0; ov.hEvent = sg.Handle; Marshal.StructureToPtr(ov, unmanagedOv, true); uint eventMask = 0; var uMask = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(eventMask)); try { while (true) { if (!Win32Com.SetCommMask(_hPort, Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR | Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY | Win32Com.EV_CTS | Win32Com.EV_DSR | Win32Com.EV_BREAK | Win32Com.EV_RLSD | Win32Com.EV_RING | Win32Com.EV_ERR)) throw new CommPortException("IO Error [001]"); Marshal.WriteInt32(uMask, 0); if (!Win32Com.WaitCommEvent(_hPort, uMask, unmanagedOv)) { if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING) sg.WaitOne(); else throw new CommPortException("IO Error [002]"); } eventMask = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32(uMask); if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_ERR) != 0) { uint errs; if (Win32Com.ClearCommError(_hPort, out errs, IntPtr.Zero)) { var s = new StringBuilder("UART Error: ", 40); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_FRAME) != 0) s = s.Append("Framing,"); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_IOE) != 0) s = s.Append("IO,"); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_OVERRUN) != 0) s = s.Append("Overrun,"); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXOVER) != 0) s = s.Append("Receive Cverflow,"); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXPARITY) != 0) s = s.Append("Parity,"); if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_TXFULL) != 0) s = s.Append("Transmit Overflow,"); s.Length = s.Length - 1; throw new CommPortException(s.ToString()); } throw new CommPortException("IO Error [003]"); } if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR) != 0) { uint gotbytes; do { if (!Win32Com.ReadFile(_hPort, buf, 1, out gotbytes, unmanagedOv)) { if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING) { Win32Com.CancelIo(_hPort); gotbytes = 0; } else { throw new CommPortException("IO Error [004]"); } } if (gotbytes == 1) OnRxChar(buf[0]); } while (gotbytes > 0); } if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY) != 0) OnTxDone(); if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_BREAK) != 0) OnBreak(); uint i = 0; if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_CTS) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_CTS_ON; if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_DSR) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_DSR_ON; if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RLSD) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_RLSD_ON; if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RING) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_RING_ON; if (i != 0) { uint f; if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(_hPort, out f)) throw new CommPortException("IO Error [005]"); OnStatusChange(new ModemStatus(i), new ModemStatus(f)); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (uMask != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(uMask); if (unmanagedOv != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(unmanagedOv); if (!(e is ThreadAbortException)) { _rxException = e; OnRxException(e); } } } private bool CheckOnline() { if (_rxException != null && !_rxExceptionReported) { _rxExceptionReported = true; ThrowException("rx"); } if (_online) { uint f; if (Win32Com.GetHandleInformation(_hPort, out f)) return true; ThrowException("Offline"); return false; } if (_auto) if (Open()) return true; ThrowException("Offline"); return false; } } }