[Information] ; (Latest Translator, First Translator, Second Translator ...) TRANSLATOR=Nguyễn Đức Dũng VERSION=4.5.0 [Language] LANGUAGE=Việt Nam CHARACTER_CODE=Unicode (UTF-16, LE, w/ BOM) LOCALE_ID=0x042A [Url] WIKIPEDIA_SMART=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitoring%2C_Analysis_and_Reporting_Technology [Menu] FILE=&Tập tin CUSTOMIZE=&Tùy biến EXIT=&Thoát EDIT=&Chỉnh sửa COPY=&Sao chép FUNCTION=Chức năng HIDE_SMART_INFO=&Ẩn thông tin S.M.A.R.T HIDE_SERIAL_NUMBER=Ẩn số serial SHOW_DRIVE_LEserial=Hiện thông tin ổ đĩa ADVANCED_DISK_SEARCH=Tìm ổ đĩa nâng cao EVENT_LOG=&Lịch sủ làm việc AAM_APM_CONTROL=Điểu khiển AAM APM AUTO_AAM_APM_ADAPTION=Tự động điều chỉnh AAM APM RESIDENT=Resident STARTUP=Khởi động OPEN_DISK_MANAGEMENT=&Mở trình quản lí ổ đĩa OPEN_DEVICE_MANAGER=Mở trình quản lí thiết bị ADVANCED_FEATURE=Chức năng mở rộng REFRESH=&Làm mới RESCAN=Dò lại DISABLE=&Không cho phép AUTO_REFRESH=&Tự động làm mới AUTO_REFRESH_TARGET=Mục tiêu tự động làm mới AUTO_REFRESH_TARGET_ALL_DISK=Làm mới tất cả các ổ đĩa AUTO_REFRESH_UNTARGET_ALL_DISK=Làm mới tất cả các ổ đĩa không được chọn WAIT_TIME_AT_STARTUP=&Thời gian chờ khởi động GRAPH=&Biểu đồ THEME=&Giao diện DISK=&Ổ đĩa HELP=&Trợ giúp HELP_WEB=&Trợ giúp [Web] HELP_ABOUT=&Tìm hiểu thêm HELP_ABOUT_SMART=Tìm hiểu về S.M.A.R.T (Wikipedia) [Web] LANGUAGE=&Ngôn ngữ ITEM=&Thiết bị TEMPERATURE_TYPE=Định dạng nhiệt độ CELSIUS=Celsius (°C) FAHRENHEIT=Fahrenheit (°F) HEALTH_STATUS_SETTING=&Cài đặt trạng thái ổ đĩa ;Graph OPTION=&Chức năng LEGEND_POSITION=&Vị trí các đánh dấu NORTH_WEST=&Tây Bắc NORTH_EAST=Đông Bắc SOUTH_WEST=Tây Nam SOUTH_EAST=&Đông Nam MAX_PLOT_POINT=&Điểm cao nhất TIME_FORMAT=&Định dạng thời gian PAINT_WEEKEND=Paint weekend ALL=&Tất cả ;2.7.0 COPY_OPTION=Chức năng sao chép RESIDENT_STYLE=Kiểu resident MINIMIZE=Thu nhỏ HIDE=Ẩn ;3.0.0 ZOOM=&Thu phóng AUTO=&Tự động ATTRIBUTE=&Thuộc tính ;3.5.0 ASCII_VIEW=Xem kiểu ASCII AUTO_DTECTION=Tự động phát hiện SECOND=giây. MINUTE=phút. HOUR=giờ :3.9.4 WORKAROUND=Workaround ;4.0.0 ALERT_MAIL=Mail cảnh báo MAIL_SETTINGS=Cài đặt email SMART_IN_ENGLISH=S.M.A.R.T. in English FONT_SETTING=Cài đặt Font ;5.0.0 ALERT_FEATURES=A&lert Features ALARM_HISTORY=Alarm History ALERT_SOUND=Alert Sound SOUND_SETTINGS=Sound Settings GADGET_SUPPORT=Gadget Support INSTALL_GADGET=Install Gadget ENABLE_AUTO=Enable (Auto Detection) ENABLE_ALL=Enable (All Disks) ENABLE_RAID=Enable (RAID Volume Only) ;6.0.0 HIDE_NO_SMART_DISK=&Hide No S.M.A.R.T. Disk GREEN_MODE=&Green Mode [TrayMenu] EXIT=Thoát REFRESH=Làm mới RESCAN=Dò lại ENABLE=Cho phép DISABLE=Không cho phép ENABLE_ALL=Cho phép tất cả DISABLE_ALL=Không cho phép tất cả AUTO_REFRESH=Auto-vernieuwen AUTO_REFRESH_01_MIN=1 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_03_MIN=3 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_05_MIN=5 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_10_MIN=10 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_30_MIN=30 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_60_MIN=60 phút. AUTO_REFRESH_TARGET=Mục tiêu tự động làm mới AUTO_REFRESH_TARGET_ALL_DISK=Làm mới tất cả ổ đĩa AUTO_REFRESH_UNTARGET_ALL_DISK=Làm mới tất cả ổ đĩa không được chọn ALARM_SETTING_TEMPERATURE=Nhiệt độ giới hạn cảnh báo ALARM_SETTING_HEALTH_STATUS=Trạng thái giới hạn cảnh bảo SHOW_MAIN_WINDOW=Hiển thị cửa sổ chính SHOW_TEMPERATURE_ICON=Hiển thị biểu tượng nhiệt độ SHOW_ALL_TEMPERATURE_ICON= Hiển thị tất cả biểu tượng nhiệt độ HIDE_ALL_TEMPERATURE_ICON= Ẩn tất cả biểu tượng nhiệt độ COLLECTIVE_SETTING= Cài đặt hệ thống GRAPH=Biểu đồ ;Added 3.0 SHOW_TEMPERATURE_ICON_ONLY=Chỉ hiển thị biểu tượng nhiệt độ [DiskStatus] GOOD=Tốt CAUTION=Cảnh bảo BAD=Không tốt UNKNOW=Không xác định DISK=Ổ đĩa [Dialog] LIST_ID=ID LIST_CURRENT=Danh sách hiệt tại LIST_WORST=Danh sách xấu LIST_THRESHOLD=Danh sách tới ngưỡng LIST_RAW_VALUES=Danh sách giá trị nguyên LIST_DESCRIPTION=Danh sách miêu tả LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=Danh sách tên thuộc tính FIRMWARE=Phần mềm điều khiển SERIAL_NUMBER=Số Xê-ri INTERFACE=Giao diện STANDARD=Tiêu chuẩn TRANSFER_MODE=Chuẩn giao tiếp BUFFER_SIZE=Cỡ bộ nhớ đệm NV_CACHE_SIZE=Cỡ bộ nhớ đệm NV ROTATION_RATE=Tốc độ quay TEMPERATURE=Nhiệt độ POWER_ON_HOURS=Thời gian chạy POWER_ON_COUNT=Số lần khởi động DRIVE_LETTER=Kí hiệu ổ đĩa FEATURE=Tính năng HEALTH_STATUS=Trạng thái sức khỏe UNKNOWN=Không xác định POWER_ON_COUNT_UNIT=Số lần khởi động POWER_ON_HOURS_UNIT=Số giờ chạy POWER_ON_DAYS_UNIT=Số ngày chạy ;4.3 TOTAL_HOST_WRITES=Total Host Writes TOTAL_HOST_READS=Total Host Reads TOTAL_NAND_WRITES=Total NAND Writes ;4.5 WEAR_LEVELING_COUNT=Wear Leveling Count ;6.1 CURRENT_MODE_SUPPORTED_MODE=Current Mode | Supported Mode MAJOR_VERSION_MINOR_VERSION=Major Version | Minor Version [Message] DETECT_UNIT_POWER_ON_HOURS=Xác định số giờ chạy DETECT_DISK=Xác định ổ đĩa PLEASE_ENABLE_WMI=Vui lòng cho phép WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) PLEASE_RESTART_THIS_APPLICATION=Vui lòng khởi động lại chương trình DISK_NOT_FOUND=Không tìm thấy ổ đĩa [Alarm] ALARM_TEMPERATURE=Alarm - Nhiệt độ ALARM_HEALTH_STATUS=Alarm - Sức khỏe DEGRADATION=Đang xấu đi RECOVERY=Phục hồi ;3.5.0 INFO_HEALTH_STATUS=Thông tin - Trạng thái sức khỏe [Graph] PLEASE_SELECT_ITEM=Vui lòng chọn thiết bị ACTUAL_VALUE=Giá trị thực NORMALIZED_VALUE=Giá trị đã chuẩn hóa ALL_ON=Tất cả bật ALL_OFF=Tất cả tắt RESET=Khởi động lại [Customize] LINE_COLOR=Màu của dòng BACKGROUND_IMAGE=Ảnh nền SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT=Hỗ trợ định dạng ảnh ALL_FILES=Tất cả tập tin ;5.0.0 SUPPORTED_SOUND_FORMAT=Supported Sound Format [AamApm] AAM_LOW=<- Thấp (80h) AAM_HIGH=Cao (FEh) -> AAM_RECOMMEND=Khuyên dùng APM_LOW=<- Thấp (01h) APM_HIGH=Cao (FEh) -> ;3.5.0 AUTOMATIC_ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT=Automatic Acoustic Management (AAM) ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT=Advanced Power Management (APM) [WindowTitle] ABOUT=Over CrystalDiskInfo GRAPH=Biểu đồ CUSTOMIZE=Tùy biến VERSION_INFORMATION=Thông tin phiên bản AAM_APM_CONTROL=Điều khiển AAM/APM HEALTH_STATUS_SETTING=Cài đặt trạng thái sức khỏe ;5.0.0 ALARM_HISTORY=Alarm History SOUND_SETTINGS=Sound Settings ;5.1.0 FONT_SETTING=Cài đặt Font [HealthStatus] THRESHOLD_OF_CAUTION=Ngưỡng cảnh báo APPLY=Áp dụng DEFAULT=Tiêu chuẩn [Smart] UNKNOWN=Không xác định VENDOR_SPECIFIC=Thông tin nhà cung cấp 01=Read Error Rate 02=Throughput Performance 03=Spin-Up Time 04=Start/Stop Count 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 06=Read Channel Margin 07=Seek Error Rate 08=Seek Time Performance 09=Power-On Hours 0A=Spin Retry Count 0B=Recalibration Retries 0C=Power Cycle Count 0D=Soft Read Error Rate stab B8=End-to-End Error BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors BC=Command Timeout BD=High Fly Writes BE=Airflow Temperature BF=G-Sense Error Rate C0=Power-off Retract Count C1=Load/Unload Cycle Count C2=Temperature C3=Hardware ECC recovered C4=Reallocation Event Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C6=Uncorrectable Sector Count C7=UltraDMA CRC Error Count C8=Write Error Rate C9=Soft Read Error Rate CA=Data Address Mark Error CB=Run Out Cancel CC=Soft ECC Correction CD=Thermal Asperity Rate CE=Flying Height CF=Spin High Current D0=Spin Buzz D1=Offline Seek Performance D3=Vibration During Write D4=Shock During Write DC=Disk Shift DD=G-Sense Error Rate DE=Loaded Hours DF=Load/Unload Retry Count E0=Load Friction E1=Load/Unload Cycle Count E2=Load 'In'-time E3=Torque Amplification Count E4=Power-Off Retract Cycle E6=GMR Head Amplitude E7=Temperature F0=Head Flying Hours FA=Read Error Retry Rate FE=Free Fall Protection ;Updated 5.4.0 F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads [SmartSsd] 01=Read Error Rate 02=Throughput Performance 03=Spin-Up Time 04=Start/Stop Count 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 06=Read Channel Margin 07=Seek Error Rate 08=Seek Time Performance 09=Power-On Hours 0A=Spin Retry Count 0B=Recalibration Retries 0C=Power Cycle Count 0D=Soft Read Error Rate stab C0=Unsafe Shutdown Count C2=Temperature C4=Reallocation Event Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C6=Uncorrectable Sector Count ; CrystalDiskInfo assign FF=Remaining Life ;Updated 5.4.0 F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads [SmartMtron] BB=Total Erase Count [SmartIndlinx] 01=Read Error Rate 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count B8=Initial Bad Block Count C3=Program Failure Block Count C4=Erase Failure Block Count C5=Read Failure Block Count C6=Total Count of Read Sectors C7=Total Count of Write Sectors C8=Total Count of Read Commands C9=Total Count of Write Commands CA=Total Count of Error bits from flash CB=Total Count of Read Sectors with Correctable Bit Errors CC=Bad Block Full Flag CD=Maximum PE Count Specification CE=Minimum Erase Count CF=Maximum Erase Count D0=Average Erase Count D1=Remaining Drive Life [SmartJMicron60x] 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count C2=Temperature E5=Halt System ID, Flash ID E8=Firmware Version Information E9=ECC Fail Record EA=Average Erase Count, Max Erase Count EB=Good Block Count, System Block Count [SmartIntel] 03=Spin Up Time 04=Start/Stop Count 05=Re-Allocated Sector Count 09=Power-On Hours Count 0C=Power Cycle Count C0=Unsafe Shutdown Count E1=Host Writes E8=Available Reserved Space E9=Media Wearout Indicator B8=End to End Error Detection Count ;Updated 4.1 AA=Available Reserved Space AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count BB=Uncorrectable Error Count ;Updated 4.3 AE=Unexpected Power Loss E2=Timed Workload Media Wear E3=Timed Workload Host Read/Write Ratio E4=Timed Workload Timer F1=Total LBAs Written F2=Total LBAs Read F9=Total NAND Writes ;Updated 5.5.0 B7=SATA Downshift Count BE=Temperature C7=CRC Error Count ;Updated 5.6.1 AF=Power Loss Protection Failure C2=Temperature C5=Pending Sector Count ;Added 6.6.0 EA=Thermal Throttle Status [SmartSamsung] 05=Reallocated Sector Count 09=Power-on Hours 0C=Power-on Count AF=Program Fail Count (Chip) B0=Erase Fail Count (Chip) B1=Wear Leveling Count B2=Used Reserved Block Count (Chip) B3=Used Reserved Block Count (Total) B4=Unused Reserved Block Count (Total) B5=Program Fail Count (Total) B6=Erase Fail Count (Total) B7=Runtime Bad Block (Total) BB=Uncorrectable Error Count BE=Airflow Temperature C2=Temperature C3=ECC Error Rate C6=Off-Line Uncorrectable Error Count C7=CRC Error Count C9=Super cap Status CA=SSD Mode Status EB=POR Recovery Count F1=Total LBA Written F2=Total LBA Read ;Added 6.6 AA=Unused Reserved Block Count (Chip) AB=Program Fail Count (Chip) AC=Erase Fail Count (Chip) AD=Wear Leveling Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count B8=Error Detection E9=Normalized Media Wear-out [SmartSandForce] ;Updated (3.7) 01=Raw Read Error Rate 05=Retired Block Count 09=Power-on Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count 0D=Soft Read Error Rate 64=Gigabytes Erased AA=Reserve Block Count AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count B1=Wear Range Delta B5=Program Fail Count B6=Erase Fail Count B8=Reported I/O Error Detection Code Errors BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors C2=Temperature C3=On‐the‐Fly ECC Uncorrectable Error Count C4=Reallocation Event Count C6=Uncorrectable Sector Count C7=SATA R-Errors (CRC) Error Count C9=Uncorrectable Soft Read Error Rate CC=Soft ECC Correction Rate E6=Life Curve Status E7=SSD Life Left E8=Available Reserved Space EB=SuperCap health F1=Lifetime Writes from Host F2=Lifetime Reads from Host [SmartJMicron61x] ;Added (3.9) 01=Read Error Rate 02=Throughput Performance 03=Spin-Up Time 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 07=Seek Error Rate 08=Seek Time Performance 09=Power-On Hours 0A=Spin Retry Count 0C=Power Cycle Count A8=SATA PHY Error Count AF=Bad Cluster Table Count (ECC Fail Count) C0=Unexpected Power Loss Count C2=Temperature C5=Current Pending Sector Count AA=Bad Block Count AD=Erase Count [SmartMicron] ;Added 4.0.0/ Updated 6.6.0 ; RAIN = Redundant Array of Independent NAND 01=Raw Read Error Rate 05=Reallocated NAND Blocks 09=Power On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count 0D=Soft Error Rate 0E=Device Capacity (NAND) 0F=User Capacity 10=Spare Blocks Available 11=Remaining Spare Blocks 64=Total Erase Count AA=Reserved Block Count AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count AD=Average Block-Erase Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count B4=Unused Reserve NAND Blocks B5=Unaligned Access Count B7=SATA Interface Downshift B8=Error Correction Count BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors BC=Command Timeout Count BD=Factory Bad Block Count C2=Temperature C3=Cumulative ECC Bit Correction Count C4=Reallocation Event Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C6=Smart Off-line Scan Uncorrectable Error Count C7=Ultra DMA CRC Error Rate CA=Percent Lifetime Used CE=Write Error Rate D2=Successful RAIN Recovery Count EA=Total Bytes Read F2=Write Protect Progress F3=ECC Bits Corrected F4=ECC Cumulative Threshold Events F5=Cumulative Program NAND Pages F6=Total Host Sector Writes F7=Host Program Page Count F8=Background Program Page Count [SmartMicronMU02] ;Updated 6.6.0 ; RAIN = Redundant Array of Independent NAND 01=Raw Read Error Rate 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count 0D=Soft Error Rate 0E=Device Capacity (NAND) 0F=User Capacity 10=Spare Blocks Available 11=Remaining Spare Blocks 64=Total Erase Count AA=Reserved Block Count AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count AD=Average Block-Erase Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count B4=Unused Reserve NAND Blocks B7=SATA Interface Downshift B8=Error Correction Count BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors BC=Command Timeout Count BD=Factory Bad Block Count C2=Temperature C3=Cumulative ECC Bit Correction Count C4=Reallocation Event Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C6=Smart Off-line Scan Uncorrectable Error Count C7=Ultra DMA CRC Error Rate CA=Percent Lifetime Used CE=Write Error Rate D2=Successful RAIN Recovery Count EA=Total Bytes Read F3=ECC Bits Corrected F4=ECC Cumulative Threshold Events F5=Cumulative Program NAND Pages F6=Total Host Sector Writes F7=Host Program Page Count F8=Background Program Page Count ; Updated 6.6.0 A0=Uncorrectable Sector Count A1=Valid Spare Blocks A3=Initial Invalid Blocks 94=Total SLC Erase Count 95=Maximum SLC Erase Count 96=Minimum SLC Erase Count 97=Average SLC Erase Count A4=Total TLC Erase Count A5=Maximum TLC Erase Count A6=Minimum TLC Erase Count A7=Average TLC Erase Count A9=Percentage Lifetime Remaining B5=Program Fail Count B6=Erase Fail Count C0=Power-off Retract Count E8=Available Reserved Space F1=Total LBA Write F2=Total LBA Read F5=Total TLC Write Count F6=Total SLC Write Count F7=RAID Recovery Count [SmartOcz] ;Added (4.5) 01=Raw Read Error Rate 03=Spin Up Time 04=Start Stop Count 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count E8=Total Count of Write Sectors E9=Remaining Life ; Added 6.6.0 64=Total Blocks Erased A7=SSD Protect Mode A8=SATA PHY Error Count A9=Bad Block Count AD=Erase Count B8=Factory Bad Block Count C0=Unexpected Power Loss Count CA=Total Number of Corrected Bits CD=Max Rated PE Counts CE=Minimum Erase Counts CF=Maximum Erase Counts D3=SATA Uncorrectable Error Count D4=NAND Page Reads During Retry D5=Simple Read Retry Attempts D6=Adaptive Read Retry Attempts DD=Internal Data Path Uncorrectable Errors DE=RAID Recovery Count E6=Power Loss Protection FB=NAND Read Count ;Updated 6.7.0 F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads [SmartPlextor] ;Added (5.1.0)/Updated (5.4.0) 01=Read Error Rate 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count C0=Unsafe Shutdown Count C4=Reallocation Event Count C6=Uncorrectable Sector Count F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads ;Updated (5.4.0) B1=Wear Leveling Count B2=Used Reserved Block Count (Worst Case) B5=Program Fail Count (Total) B6=Erase Fail Count (Total) BB=Uncorrectable Error Count C7=Ultra CRC Error Count E8=Available Reserved Space ;Added 6.2.0 AA=Grown Bad Blocks AB=Program Fail Count (Total) AC=Erase Fail Count (Total) AD=Average Program/Erase Count (Total) AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count AF=Program Fail Count (Worst Case) B0=Erase Fail Count (Worst Case) B3=Used Reserved Block Count (Total) B4=UnUsed Reserved Block Count (Total) B7=SATA Interface Down Shift B8=End-to-End Data Errors Corrected BC=Command Time out C3=ECC rate E9=NAND GB written [SmartSanDisk] ;Added (5.2.0) 05=Retired Block Count 09=Power-On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count AA=Reserve Block Count AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors E8=Remaining Life F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads [SmartOczVector] ;Added (5.3.0) 05=Accumulated Runtime Bad Blocks 09=Power-On Hours Count 0C=Power Cycle Count AB=Available Over-Provisioned Block Count AE=Power Cycle Count (Unplanned) BB=Total Uncorrectable NAND Reads C3=Total Programming Failures C4=Total Erase Failures C5=Total Read Failures (Uncorrectable) C6=Host Reads C7=Host Writes D0=Average Erase Count D2=SATA CRC Error Count E9=Remaining Life F9=Total NAND Programming Count ;Updated 5.5.0 F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads ;Updated 6.6.0 64=Total Blocks Erased B8=Factory Bad Block Count Total CA=Total Number Of Read Bits Corrected CD=Max Rated PE Count CE=Min Erase Count CF=Max Erase Count D4=Total Count NAND Pages Reads Requiring Read Retry D5=Total Count of Simple Read Retry Attempts D6=Total Count of Adaptive Read Retry Attempts DD=Internal Data Path Protection Uncorrectable Errors DE=RAID Recovery Count E0=In Warranty E1=DAS Polarity E2=Partial Pfail E6=Write Throttling Activation Flag F9=Total NAND Programming Count (pages) FB=Total NAND Read Count [SmartCorsair] ;Added 6.2.0 01=Raw Read Error Rate 05=Retired Block Count 09=Power On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count AA=Reserve Block Count AC=Erase Fail Count AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count B5=Program Fail Count BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors C2=Temperature C4=Reallocation Event Count E7=SSD Life Left F1=Lifetime GB Written F2=Lifetime GB Read [SmartToshiba] ;Added 6.2.0 01=Read Error Rate 02=Throughput Performance 03=Spin-Up Time 04=Start/Stop Count 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 07=Seek Error Rate 08=Seek Time Performance 09=Power-On Hours 0A=Spin Retry Count 0B=Recalibration Retries 0C=Power Cycle Count A7=SSD Protect Mode A8=SATA PHY Error Count A9=Total Bad Block Count AD=Erase Count C0=Unexpected Power Loss Count C2=Temperature C4=Reallocation Event Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C6=Uncorrectable Sector Count F1=Total Host Writes F2=Total Host Reads [SmartSanDiskGb] ;Added 6.2.0 05=Reallocated Block Count 09=Power On Hours 0C=Power Cycle Count A6=Min W/E Cycle A7=Max Bad Block/Die A8=Maximum Erase Cycle A9=Total Bad Block AB=Program Fail Count AC=Erase Fail Count AD=Average Erase Cycle AE=Unexpected Power Loss Count BB=Reported Uncorrectable Errors C2=Temperature D4=SATA PHY Error E6=Percentage Total P/E Count E8=Spare Block Remaining E9=Total GB Written To NAND F1=Total GB Written F2=Total GB Read [SmartKingston] ;Added 6.6.0 01=Read Error Rate 02=Throughput Performance 03=Spin Up Time 05=Reallocated Sectors Count 07=Seek Error Rate 08=Seek Time Performance 09=Power-On Hours 0A=Spin Retry Count 0C=Power Cycle Count A8=SATA PHY Error Count AA=Bad Block Count AD=Erase count AF=Bad Cluster Table Count BB=Uncorrectable Errors C0=Unsafe Shutdown Count C2=Temperature C4=Later Bad Block Count C5=Current Pending Sector Count C7=CRC Error Count DA=CRC Error Count E7=SSD Life Left E9=Lifetime Writes to Flash F0=Write Head F1=Host Writes F2=Host Reads F4=Average Erase Count F5=Max Erase Count F6=Total Erase Count [SmartNVMe] ;Added 6.7.0 01=Critical Warning 02=Composite Temperature 03=Available Spare 04=Available Spare Threshold 05=Percentage Used 06=Data Units Read 07=Data Units Written 08=Host Read Commands 09=Host Write Commands 0A=Controller Busy Time 0B=Power Cycles 0C=Power On Hours 0D=Unsafe Shutdowns 0E=Media and Data Integrity Errors 0F=Number of Error Information Log Entries